
GitHub this shows an example using vpc flowlogs to monitor network traffic in/out of a network interface.

  • create flowlogs and loggroup
  • filter the flowlogs and create metric
  • cloudwatch insightrule - top contribute network traffic
VPC FlowLogs

FlowLogs and LogGroup#

assume we want to monitor a network interface (EC2, VPC, NAT)

interface VpcFlowLogsProps extends StackProps {
vpcId: string
vpcName: string
interfaceId: string

create a log group to store flow logs

// cloudwatch log group
const logGroup = new aws_logs.LogGroup(this, 'Ec2FlowLogLogGroup', {
logGroupName: 'Ec2FlowLogLogGroup',
retention: RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,
removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY

create flow logs applied in a network interface

new aws_ec2.CfnFlowLog(this, 'Ec2FlowLog', {
resourceId: props.interfaceId,
resourceType: 'NetworkInterface',
trafficType: 'ALL',
deliverLogsPermissionArn: roleForFlowLog.roleArn,
logGroupName: logGroup.logGroupName,
maxAggregationInterval: 60

role for flow logs to publish log into log group

const roleForFlowLog = new aws_iam.Role(
roleName: 'RoleForFlowLogPublishToLogGroup',
assumedBy: new aws_iam.ServicePrincipal('')
new aws_iam.PolicyStatement({
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
resources: [logGroup.logGroupArn],
actions: ['logs:*']

Filter FlowLogs#

filter ACCEPT request

const filterAccept = new aws_logs.MetricFilter(this, 'FilterAcceptFlowLog', {
metricNamespace: 'FlowLogFilter',
metricName: 'Accept',
filterPattern: aws_logs.FilterPattern.spaceDelimited(
).whereString('action', '=', 'ACCEPT'),
metricValue: '$bytes',
defaultValue: 0
const metricAccept = filterAccept.metric()

similar to filter REJECT request

const filterReject = new aws_logs.MetricFilter(this, 'FilterRejectFlowLog', {
metricNamespace: 'FlowLogFilter',
metricName: 'Reject',
filterPattern: aws_logs.FilterPattern.spaceDelimited(
).whereString('action', '=', 'REJECT'),
metricValue: '$bytes',
defaultValue: 0
const metricReject = filterReject.metric()

CloudWatch InsightRule#

to find top contributors (for example top source ip address) which contribute the most data traffic, we can use cloudwatch insight rule

const dataTransferRule = new aws_cloudwatch.CfnInsightRule(
ruleName: 'DataTransferMonitorRule',
ruleBody: fs.readFileSync(
path.resolve(__dirname, './../rules/data_transfer_rule.json'),
{ encoding: 'utf-8' }
ruleState: 'ENABLED'