GitHub this shows how to monitor s3 data events with cloudtrail and cloudwatch.
- cloudtrail monitors s3 data events of a bucket
- save the log events to a cloudwatch log group
- use cloudwatch insight to query
- create a cloudwatch metric and an alarm
CloudWatch LogGroup#
create a log group
const logGroup = new aws_logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroupDemo', {logGroupName: 'LogGroupDemo',retention: RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY})
create metric filter
const filter = new aws_logs.MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilterDemo', {logGroup,metricNamespace: 'S3DataEnvent',metricName: 'PutObjectEvent',filterPattern: aws_logs.FilterPattern.all(aws_logs.FilterPattern.stringValue('$.eventName', '=', 'PutObject')),metricValue: '1',defaultValue: 0})
create an alarm
const metric = filter.metric()new aws_cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'S3PutObjectAlarm', {metric,threshold: 100,evaluationPeriods: 2})
create a trail, this L2 construct will automatically create a role for trail to write to a log group.
const trail = new aws_cloudtrail.Trail(this, 'S3DataEventTrail', {trailName: 'S3DataEventTrail',cloudWatchLogGroup: logGroup,sendToCloudWatchLogs: true})
use selector to enable trail for a specific bucket with a prefix. trail event selector in cloudformation and cdk
trail.addS3EventSelector([{bucket: bucket,objectPrefix: 'images/'}],{includeManagementEvents: false})
advanced selector is not supported in cloudformation yet, only avaiable in aws console
[{"name": null,"fieldSelectors": [{"field": "eventCategory","equals": ["Data"]},{"field": "resources.type","equals": ["AWS::S3::Object"]},{"field": "resources.ARN","equals": ["arn:aws:s3:::sagemaker-us-east-1-$ACCOUNT_ID/"]}]}]
Query from Log Insight#
basic query example
fields @timestamp, eventSource |filter eventName="PutObject" |stats count(*) by eventSource |limit 10
Metric Filter#
this filter pattern count 1 each time a PutObject occur.
Here is the graph metric with sum of PutObject within each 5 minutes
Then an alarm can be created for example if sum of PutObject within 5 minutes greater than 1000