GitHub this note shows how to set up a very simple s3 trigger lambda, and build a cloudwatch dashboard to monitor a lambda function
- Build a simple data pipeline analysis for each data uploaded to S3 bucket
- The Lambda function analyse data and save outputs/images to S3 bucket
- Send notification via email for each processed data
- Monitor performance of the Lambda by adding a CloudWatch dashboard
Setup Project#
In this case we want to deploy the lambda via ECR image, let create a project with struture as below
CDK Stack#
Let create role for the lambda function
- Execution role and send log to CloudWatch
- Read and write data from s3
- Send notification via sns
const role = new aws_iam.Role(this, "LambdaRoleAccessS3", {assumedBy: new aws_iam.ServicePrincipal(""),});role.addManagedPolicy(aws_iam.ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName("AWSLambdaExecute"));// lambda role inline policiesrole.attachInlinePolicy(new aws_iam.Policy(this, "LambdaAccessS3Policy", {statements: [new aws_iam.PolicyStatement({effect: aws_iam.Effect.ALLOW,actions: ["sns:*"],resources: [`arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-1:${this.account}:${topic.topicName}`,],}),new aws_iam.PolicyStatement({effect: aws_iam.Effect.ALLOW,actions: ["s3:*", "s3-object-lambda:*"],resources: [`arn:aws:s3:::${props.bucketName}/*`],}),],}));
Then create a lambda function with ecr image for bundling dependencies
const fn = new aws_lambda.Function(this, "ConvertAudioFunction", {functionName: "ConvertAudioFunction",code: aws_lambda.EcrImageCode.fromAssetImage(path.join(__dirname, "./../lambda-ecr")),handler: aws_lambda.Handler.FROM_IMAGE,runtime: aws_lambda.Runtime.FROM_IMAGE,memorySize: 512,timeout: Duration.seconds(15),role: role,environment: {BUCKET_NAME: bucket.bucketName,TOPIC_ARN: topic.topicArn,},});
Configure a bucket to trigger lambda
bucket.addEventNotification(aws_s3.EventType.OBJECT_CREATED,new aws_s3_notifications.LambdaDestination(fn),{ prefix: "m4a/" });
Lambda Handler#
Let create a handler to read S3 event and write result to S3. Please take note
- Read s3 event
- Download and upload to s3
- Temporary storage in lambda
import osimport boto3# s3 boto3 clientclient = boto3.client("s3")# tmp foldertmp_dir = "/tmp"def handler(event, context):"""convert m4a to mp3"""#print(event)# parse file name from eventtry:full_name = event["Records"][0]["s3"]["object"]["key"]except:full_name = "m4a/test.m4a"# parse only file namefile_name = full_name.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]# read file from s3client.download_file(os.environ["BUCKET_NAME"],full_name,f"{tmp_dir}/{file_name}.m4a")# upload to s3client.upload_file(f"{tmp_dir}/{file_name}.m4a",os.environ["BUCKET_NAME"],f"mp3/{file_name}.mp3")# returnreturn {"message": "hello lambda docker"}if __name__=="__main__":handler(event=None, context=None)
In case we need to send notification via sns, let update the handler code with sns client
sns_client = boto3.client("sns");time_stamp = int( * 1000);sns_client.publish(TopicArn=os.environ["TOPIC_ARN"],Message=f'lambda send a message to sns {time_stamp}')