
GitHub this experiment aws rds iops with different configuration

  • iops and cost
  • test and monitor iops
  • load data.csv into a table
  • intensive io schema here

Setup and Connect#

install mysql client and connect

sudo yum install mariadb

and check

mysql --version

then connect with endpoint, and username and then provide password when asked

mysql -h $ENDPOINT -P 3306 -u $USER -p

then run the schmea.sql to create table and index with intensive io pattern


db.m6l.large 2vCPU 8GB 20GB GP2

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 12 30 43

db.m6l.large 2vCPU 8GB provisioned 3000 IOPS and 100GB SSD

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 13 00 16

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 12 59 58

db.m5.4xlarge 16vCPU 64GB provisioned 3000 IOPS and 400GB SSD

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 13 03 05

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 13 03 17


basic sql show databases

show databases;

show tables

show tables;

query a table

select * from employess limit 10;


insert into employees (id, name, age, time) values ('haimtran001', 'haimtran', 30, '2022-49-09/06/22-03-49-38');

drop table

drop table employess;
