Github shows how to build a simple react app with auth using cognito and text to speech using polly, also update images to s3 and message to a dynamodb table.
- create a react app
- use cognito to create account, confirm, sign in
- auth session and s3 access
- cal api polly (text to speech)
- call api to CRUD DyamoDB table
Create a React App#
create a react app
npx create-react-app my-app
install dependencies
npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion react-icons @chakra-ui/icons react-router-dom
install aws sdk client (s3)
npm i @aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider @aws-sdk/client-s3 @aws-sdk/credential-providers @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner
then run the app
npm start
Basic Router#
const router = createBrowserRouter([{path: '/',element: <LoginForm></LoginForm>},{path: '/session',element: <SessionPage></SessionPage>}])function App() {return (<ChakraProvider><RouterProvider router={router}></RouterProvider></ChakraProvider>)}export default App
Cognito Token and ApiGW Auth#
use cognito client to get token (access token and idtoken)
const cognitoClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({region: config.REGION})// authenticate and get tokenconst response = await cognitoClient.send(new InitiateAuthCommand({AuthFlow: 'USER_PASSWORD_AUTH',AuthParameters: {USERNAME: config.USERNAME,PASSWORD: config.PASSWORD},ClientId: config.CLIENT_ID}))console.log('auth res ', response['AuthenticationResult']['IdToken'])
pass the token into header Authorization to call and API
const callApi = async () => {const { data, status } = await,{ message: 'hello' },{headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json',Authorization: `Bearer ${response['AuthenticationResult']['IdToken']}`}})console.log(data)console.log(status)}callApi()
call and api endpoint to fetch messages from a dynamodb table using token for auth
const testRequest = async () => {const { data, status } = await axios.get(config.API_URL_TEST, {headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${response['AuthenticationResult']['IdToken']}`}})console.log(data)console.log(status)}
Cognito Client#
This is a js script to test how Cognito works.
create a cognito client
const cognitoClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({region: config.REGION})
authenticate and get token
const response = await cognitoClient.send(new InitiateAuthCommand({AuthFlow: 'USER_PASSWORD_AUTH',AuthParameters: {USERNAME: config.USERNAME,PASSWORD: config.PASSWORD},ClientId: config.CLIENT_ID}))
exchange token for aws credentials to access s3, this done via s3Client
const credential = fromCognitoIdentityPool({cliengConfig: { region: config.REGION },identityPoolId: config.IDENTITY_POOL_ID,logins: {[config.COGNITO_POOL_ID]: response['AuthenticationResult']['IdToken']}})const retrievs = await
given the credentials, we can access S3 data
const s3Client = new S3Client({region: config.REGION,credentials: fromCognitoIdentityPool({cliengConfig: { region: config.REGION },identityPoolId: config.IDENTITY_POOL_ID,logins: {[config.COGNITO_POOL_ID]: response['AuthenticationResult']['IdToken']}})})// send s3 list objects commandconst command = new ListObjectsCommand({Bucket: config.BUCKET,Prefix: 'public/'})try {const result = await s3Client.send(command)console.log(result['Contents'])} catch (error) {console.log(error)}
get image pre-signed url
export const getS3Object = async (idToken, key) => {const s3Client = new S3Client({region: config.REGION,credentials: fromCognitoIdentityPool({clientConfig: { region: config.REGION },identityPoolId: config.IDENTITY_POOL_ID,logins: {[config.COGNITO_POOL_ID]: idToken}})})const command = new GetObjectCommand({Bucket: config.BUCKET,Key: key})const signUrl = await getSignedUrl(s3Client, command)return signUrl}
FrontEnd List of Images#
useEffect to load a list of images or objects
const [images, setImages] = useState([])const [imageUrl, setImageUrl] = useState(null)const getImages = async () => {const items = await listObjects(user.IdToken)if (items) {const keys = => item['Key'])setImages(keys)}}useEffect(() => {getImages()}, [])
display a list of images
const ListImages = ({ user, images, setImageUrl }) => {return (<Flexdirection={'column'}width={'100%'}// height={"300px"}overflowY={'auto'}marginTop={'20px'}bg={'orange.100'}>{, id) => (<Flexkey={id}width={'100%'}justifyContent={'space-between'}alignItems={'center'}padding={'5px'}backgroundColor={'gray.100'}marginBottom={'5px'}><Text>{image}</Text><ButtoncolorScheme={'teal'}onClick={async () => {const url = await getS3Object(user.IdToken, image)setImageUrl(url)}}>Download</Button></Flex>))}</Flex>)}
load and view an image given the pre-singed url
const ViewImage = ({ imageUrl }) => {return (<Boxbg={'gray.100'}width={'1000px'}height={'500px'}padding={'20px'}display={'flex'}justifyContent={'center'}alignItems={'center'}marginBottom={'20px'}>{imageUrl && <Image src={imageUrl} width="auto" height={'350px'}></Image>}</Box>)}
Upload Image and Progress#
at this moment with AWS SDK JavaScript V3, need to use some modification to check the upload progress
import { Upload } from '@aws-sdk/lib-storage'import { XhrHttpHandler } from '@aws-sdk/xhr-http-handler'
and then the upload progress can be checked as a callback in below code
export const uploadToS3Progress = async (idToken, file, setProgress) => {// s3 clientconst s3Client = new S3Client({region: config.REGION,credentials: fromCognitoIdentityPool({clientConfig: { region: config.REGION },identityPoolId: config.IDENTITY_POOL_ID,logins: {[config.COGNITO_POOL_ID]: idToken}})})const upload = new Upload({client: s3Client,params: {Bucket: config.BUCKET,Key: `public/${}`,Body: file}})upload.on('httpUploadProgress', progress => {console.log(progress.loaded)console.log( / * 100.0)})await upload.done()}
write a processFile function and pass to the upload button in the upload form
const processFile = async (file, setProgress) => {// handler upload fileawait uploadToS3Progress(user.IdToken, file, setProgress)// reload list of imagesawait getImages()}
- the configuration and COGNITO_POOL_ID should look like
and the config.js
export const config = {USERNAME: '',PASSWORD: 'xxx',COGNITO_POOL_ID:'',IDENTITY_POOL_ID: 'ap-southeast-1:xxx',CLIENT_ID: 'xxx',REGION: 'ap-southeast-1',BUCKET: 'xxx'}
please ensure deploying the api after changes
enable api gateway cords out-of-the-box
search cors in cdk
to enable cors for proxy lambda when using cognito authorizer user ppool need to add the OPTIONS http method to api gateway per resource
declare const myResource: apigateway.ResourcemyResource.addCorsPreflight({allowOrigins: [''],allowMethods: ['GET', 'PUT']})
declare const resource: apigateway.Resourceconst subtree = resource.addResource('subtree', {defaultCorsPreflightOptions: {allowOrigins: ['']}})
- double check the s3 bucket when switching between projects