GitHub this shows
- setup amplify project for nextjs
- upload and download objects to and from a s3 bucket
- working with amplify storage api (signed url)
Amplify Init#
amplify init
add auth with default and login by email
amplify add auth
add storage
amplify add storage
then push to aws
amplify push
Amplify Storage#
simple upload by amplify storage
import { Storage } from 'aws-amplify'export const uploadToS3 = async (file: File, setProgress: any) => {console.log('uploading file to s3 ...', file)try {const result = await Storage.put(, file, {progressCallback(value) {setProgress((100.0 * value.loaded) /}})} catch (error) {console.log('error upload file to s3: ', error)}}
Create Upload Form#
configure react-hook-form and fileName and progress.
const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null)const [selectedFile, setSelectedFile] = useState<File | null>(null)const [fileName, setFileName] = useState('Your File ...')const [progress, setProgress] = useState(1)const name = 'FirstName'const { handleSubmit, control } = useForm({defaultValues: {FirstName: ''},mode: 'onChange'})const { field, fieldState, formState } = useController({name,control,rules: { required: true },defaultValue: ''})
upload button and choose file button
const uploadButton = (<ButtononClick={async () => {await uploadToS3(selectedFile as File, setProgress)// setFileName("Your File ...");// setSelectedFile(null);}}>Upload</Button>)const chooseFileButton = (inputRef: any) => (<Button onClick={() => inputRef.current?.click()}>Choose File</Button>)
hidden the input
const HiddenInput = () => {return (<inputtype={'file'}name={'FirstName'}ref={e => {field.ref(e)inputRef.current = e}}onChange={event => {if ( && > 0) {setFileName([0].name)setSelectedFile([0])}}}style={{ display: 'none' }}></input>)}
the entire upload form
<Flexdirection={'column'}gap={'20px'}maxWidth="1000px"margin={'auto'}marginTop={'200px'}><FormControl><InputGroup><InputLeftElement><Icon as={FiFile}></Icon></InputLeftElement><HiddenInput></HiddenInput><Inputplaceholder="Your file ..."value={fileName}onChange={e => console.log(e)}></Input><InputRightElement width={'auto'}>{selectedFile ? uploadButton : chooseFileButton(inputRef)}</InputRightElement></InputGroup></FormControl><Progress value={progress}></Progress></Flex>