Show two ways to host a static with Amplify
- From aws console - cloudfront enabled
- From amplify cli - only S3
- Amplify connect GitHub to create a pipeline (CloudFront distribution)
From AWS Console#
Connect GitHub repository with Amplify to create a CI/CI pipeline. Goto amplify console and connect to the GitHub repository, then deploy, please pay attention to the build.yaml. Here, add force because not very clean dependencies in package.json. Cache option can saves time when re-build and re-deploy.
version: 1frontend:phases:preBuild:commands:- npm ci --forcebuild:commands:- npm run buildartifacts:baseDirectory: outfiles:- '**/*'cache:paths:
From Amplify CLI#
Amplify cli offer many deployment option, here only try manual deploy with S3 hosting. The reasons is short time deployment and save cost as no cloudfront. it is noted that we need to indicate SSG in package.json. This helep Amplify detect that this is a pure static web not the hybrid (SSR)
amplify init
add hosting and select manual deployment
amplfy add hosting
check the package.json
next build && next export
delete the amplify project
amplfy delete
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */const nextConfig = {reactStrictMode: true,swcMinify: true,typescript: {ignoreBuildErrors: true},eslint: {ignoreDuringBuilds: true},images: {unoptimized: true}}module.exports = nextConfig
Create NextJS Project#
It is possible to clone an existing NextJS project or create a new one
npx create-next-app@latest my-site --typescript
double check the package.json and next.config.json to avoid npm build error
"scripts": {"build": "next build && next export"}