- Demo
- demo react web no real-time here because we need to publish data from the test/
- video demo
- Github
- Create an IoT thing, attach a policy to X509 certificate, then attach the cert to the IoT thing
- Create IoT rules to deliver data to Kinesis Firehose, DB
- Create a Lambda function to query from DB
- Amplify
- Cognito and PubSub to subscribe to IoT topics
- Attach an AWS IoT policy to the Cognito ID
- Pre-built authentication UI (useAuthenticator)
- CharJs
- Plot and update two simple charts
- Chart 1. Keep pulling data from DB via an API
- Chart 2. Subscribe to an IoT topic
- IoT Thing and Certificate
- Attach a X509 certificate to the physical IoT device
- Attach a AWS IoT policy to the X509 ceritifcate to allow read/write AWS IoT topics
- AWS IoT topic rules
- Attach a role to a rule to enable AWS IoT rules write to S3, Firehose, DyanmoDB
Check AWS IoT Service Endpoint#
aws iot describe-endpoint --region ap-southeast-1
Download AWS CA certificate#
- Download one of the CA certificate which required to configure mqtt client. reference 1 and reference 2. \ \ \ \
- An alternative way is to create a CA certificate reference 3
openssl genrsa -out root_CA_key_filename.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes \-key root_CA_key_filename.key \-sha256 -days 1024 \-out root_CA_cert_filename.pem
Create key and certificate#
- I have to create key and certificates from CLI or AWS console. To create them from CDK, follow this custom resource reference 4
aws iot create-keys-and-certificate \--set-as-active \--certificate-pem-outfile esp-certificate.crt \--public-key-outfile esp-public.key \--private-key-outfile esp-private.key \--region ap-southeast-1
Re-download the certificate given its ID configure aws cli output as text
aws iot describe-certificate --certificate-id
IoT Thing, X509 Certificate, and Policy#
To allow the IoT thing can write data to AWS IoT core, we need to attach a X509 certificate the the physical IoT device. We also need to attach a policy to the X509 certificate in AWS to specify ALLOW actions.
- Create a policy for the X509 certificate
const policy = new aws_iot.CfnPolicy(this, 'PolicyForDemoDevice', {policyName: 'PolicyForDemoDevice',policyDocument: new aws_iam.PolicyDocument({statements: [new aws_iam.PolicyStatement({actions: ['iot:*'],resources: ['*'],effect: aws_iam.Effect.ALLOW})]})})
- Attach the policy to the X509 certificate
const attachPolicy = new aws_iot.CfnPolicyPrincipalAttachment(this,'AttachPolicyForDemoDevice',{policyName: policy.policyName!.toString(),principal: props.certificateArn})attachPolicy.addDependsOn(policy)
- Attach the X509 certificate to the IoT thing
const attachCert = new aws_iot.CfnThingPrincipalAttachment(this,'AttachCertificiateToThing',{thingName: thing.thingName!.toString(),principal: props.certificateArn})attachCert.addDependsOn(thing)
IoT Rules and Role#
To allow IoT rules to delivery data to other services such as S3, DynamoDB, Firehose, we need to attach a role to each rule.
- Create a role
const role = new aws_iam.Role(this, 'RoleForIoTCoreToAccessS3', {roleName: 'RoleForIoTCoreToAccessS3',assumedBy: new aws_iam.ServicePrincipal('')})
- Attach inline policies to the role
role.attachInlinePolicy(new aws_iam.Policy(this, 'PolicyForIoTcoreToAccessS3', {policyName: 'PolicyForIoTcoreToAccessS3',statements: [new aws_iam.PolicyStatement({actions: ['s3:*'],resources: ['arn:aws:s3:::bucketName/*']}),new aws_iam.PolicyStatement({actions: ['firehose:*'],resources: ['*']}),new aws_iam.PolicyStatement({actions: ['dynamodb:*'],resources: ['*']})]}))
- Create rules with actions and attached the role
const topicRule = new aws_iot.CfnTopicRule(this, 'TopicRuleDemo', {ruleName: 'TopicRuleDemo',topicRulePayload: {actions: [{firehose: {deliveryStreamName: firehoseDeilvery.deliveryStreamName,roleArn: role.roleArn}},{s3: {bucketName: 'bucketName',key: 'iot-one',roleArn: role.roleArn}},{dynamoDb: {hashKeyField: 'id',hashKeyValue: 'device01',hashKeyType: 'STRING',rangeKeyField: 'timestamp',rangeKeyValue: '${timestamp()}',rangeKeyType: 'STRING',roleArn: role.roleArn,tableName: table.tableName}}],sql: `SELECT *, cast(timestamp() as STRING) AS timestamp FROM 'topic/subtopic'`}})
Init Amplify backend#
amplify init
add auth cognito
amplify add auth
choose user login by email and then push
amplify push
take note the aws-export.js to integerate with Amplify UI
Configure Cognito AuthRole#
Follow step 3 here. Without this, will be error
errorCode: 8, errorMessage: AMQJS0008I Socket closed.
Attach below policies to the Cognito Authenticated Role
- AWSIoTDataAccess
- AWSIoTConfigAccess
To locate the AuthRole
- Goto cloudformation console
- Click the stack and find AuthRole in logical ID column
Amplify, Cognito and AWS IoT Policy#
To allow Amplify (react web app) subscribe to an AWS IoT topic, we need to attach policy to Conigto ID.
- Find the Cognito ID from the react web app as following
import Amplify, { Auth, PubSub } from 'aws-amplify'Auth.currentCredentials().then(creds => console.log(creds))
The Cognito ID can be found from the creds log
- Attach AWS IoT policy to the Cognito ID as following
aws iot attach-policy --policy-name 'IoTCorePolicyName' --target ap-southeast-1:41f19265-xxxaws iot attach-policy --policy-name 'IoTCorePolicyName' --target ap-southeast-1:2d1afbd5-xxx