Setup Project#
GitHub this note shows how to create a new nextjs project
npx create-app-next@latest .
Install amplify and amplify-ui
npm install aws-amplify @aws-amplify/ui-react
Here is the project structure
Let init a Amplify backend project
amplify init
Add auth and storage
amplify add auth
amplify add storage
The src/aws-exports.js look like this
const awsmobile = {aws_project_region: "ap-southeast-1",aws_cognito_identity_pool_id:"ap-southeast-1:333a91e2-9c01-429a-b64b-16b153ebb969",aws_cognito_region: "ap-southeast-1",aws_user_pools_id: "ap-southeast-1_YnXNtaD2M",aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "295oq682rmglodotr6b59e19u6",oauth: {},aws_cognito_username_attributes: ["EMAIL"],aws_cognito_social_providers: [],aws_cognito_signup_attributes: ["EMAIL"],aws_cognito_mfa_configuration: "OFF",aws_cognito_mfa_types: ["SMS"],aws_cognito_password_protection_settings: {passwordPolicyMinLength: 8,passwordPolicyCharacters: [],},aws_cognito_verification_mechanisms: ["EMAIL"],aws_user_files_s3_bucket:"nextjsamplifyauth228f39f651114b57a2674b641e8be550343-dev",aws_user_files_s3_bucket_region: "ap-southeast-1",};export default awsmobile;
Let create a login page client side as
"use client";import awsmobile from "./../src/aws-exports";import { Amplify } from "aws-amplify";import { withAuthenticator } from "@aws-amplify/ui-react";import "@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css";try {Amplify.configure({ ...awsmobile, ssr: true });} catch (error) {console.log(error);}const Home = () => {return (<main className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-between p-24"><div>Hello</div></main>);};export default withAuthenticator(Home);
Sever Side Auth#
Let crate a protected page sever side render as below
- withSSRContext with retreive token and session from cookies
- setup withSSRContext both at client and server side
import { headers } from "next/headers";import { Amplify, withSSRContext } from "aws-amplify";import awsmobile from "../../src/aws-exports";Amplify.configure({ ...awsmobile, ssr: true });const getAuth = async () => {const req = {headers: {cookie: headers().get("cookie"),},};// console.log(req);const SSR = withSSRContext({ req });try {const res = await SSR.Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser();console.log(res.signInUserSession.idToken);const user = JSON.stringify(res);// console.log(user);return JSON.stringify(user);} catch (error) {console.log(error);return "";}};const Profile = async () => {const user = await getAuth();return <div>Hello Hai Tran {user} </div>;};export default Profile;
Storage Client#
As the withSSRContext does not support storage at the server side yet, so we have to do it at client. Let create a blog page which get signed url image from S3.
"use client";import { Amplify, Storage } from "aws-amplify";import awsmobile from "../../src/aws-exports";Amplify.configure({ ...awsmobile, ssr: true });Amplify.configure(awsmobile);const getAuth = async () => {let url = null;try {url = await Storage.get("dolphin.png");} catch (error) {console.log(error);}return url;};const Profile = async () => {const url = await getAuth();return url ? (<div><div className="mx-auto max-w-lg"><img src={url}></img></div></div>) : (<div>Please login first</div>);};export default Profile;